The Fruit of Life
The wise one liveth in this world,
and so does the coward.
One, unafraid to see the edges of existence
while the other, unable to discover his essence.
This world is a vast ecosystem
beyond anyone’s comprehension.
You and me, the rocks and the rain;
the majestic beauty of Cosmos, insane.
The forest calleth upon the giant souls.
The city calleth upon our short-lived goals.
Trillions of plants and animals born and grown,
Before the upcoming story of generations to come.
Ssh, the Shiva expresses itself
as quietness in the subatomic realm,
The Fruit of Life isn’t anywhere
but right here on your palm.
Or in the palm tree.
Or at your office on the 73rd floor.
Or in the jailed cell of the hero, untold.
Or right here, at this moment, on your own, by your soul.
That is, if you sincerely ask for it.