Battle against addiction (Smoking)
I want to quit smoking. It’s a hard battle, but I hope that with some support and some effort, I will be able to quit smoking for good. I will keep you posted here.
Day 1 (Sep 27, 2020): I set my quit deadline to next Saturday (October 3) after which I intend to quit smoking. I called the national helpline to help me with counseling.
Day 2 (Sep 28, 2020): I smoked a cigarette early in the morning as I usually do. However, I waited for about 30 minutes after waking up. That is already a good beginning.
Dec 15, 2020: About two months ago, I went to visit a friend in Michigan. I stopped smoking from there onwards, only to resume smoking two weeks ago. My plan was to do smoke as much as I wanted to satisfy my desire and quit for good. Now that the initial phase has finished, and I am supposed to quit smoking. And I will try my best to avoid smoking for the next few days.
Jan 23, 2021: It’s 2021. I haven’t stopped smoking, but it’s time to quit for good. I will figure out a quitting strategy, and hopefully, moving into my single-bedroom apartment next week will help me to cure this addiction.
Feb 9, 2021: I’ve been on nicotine patches for the past 2 days now. It is 6:44 in the morning but can feel the desire for nicotine diminishing from my body. After I am done with smoking, I will explore the battle against other forms of addictions.
March 1, 2021: It’s been a while since I last smoked, so my body has rejuvenated greatly. I still have a limited desire to smoke, but hopefully, it will go away with the passage of time.